Q.Potatoes In Ground Produced Green Growth After Overwintering
I’ve grown potatoes in containers from store-bought. The first time, the plant only got up to 12 inches and they died (thrips). I kept watering the pot and decided to check after 2 months and found “new” potatoes, red and russet. Last year, I planted potatoes in a pot with green onions. The thrips got to the potato leaves and destroyed them. I didn’t look for the tubers that time because I had thriving green onions. About 4 weeks ago, I noticed sprouting green leaves. I thought “weeds”? But as they grew, they started resembling potato leaves. So, I was wondering if potato tubers after overwintering can generate new green growth.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Volunteer potatoes happen often when potatoes are left in the ground, usually missed when harvesting. They are considered weeds, as the tubers often harbor disease and insects. It is best to discard them.