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Container Potato Plants

Q.potatoes grown in a 20 gal tub

Zone 95971 | willie mojave added on May 30, 2016 | Answered

I was wondering why one of my tubs had no spuds. I dug around in the tub and can find no sign of ever having been planted. Too much shade, too much water? In the tub I took any potato parts out, replanted whole eyed spuds, covered with some dry compost, and moved tub to sun to dry out more. It had been raining and where they are is shady til PM. Got lots of bottom holes for drainage. With the tub soil drying in the sun, should I be OK with the new spuds? First year growing in tubs.

Thank you so much! Willie Mojave

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 1, 2016

Did you lose your plantings to an animal? Squirrels could be the reason you have no potatoes.
Here is a link with directions on growing potatoes in tubs.


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