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Potato Plants


Zone Oakland, Oregon | Kyriedmahnke@gmail.com added on July 10, 2017 | Answered

Hi. I am fairly new to having a potato garden. I actually had not yet made a space for my potatoes but have started a compost box which potatoes had been tossed in. Now I have three potato plants one of which is flowering. I have been reading about harvest but was not sure what to do since I’m not sure what type of potatoes are in the box and if it is safe to harvest from a compost box. Thank you for any help.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 13, 2017

YES! so long as they are not:
-Have empty dark cores inside
they are totally safe to eat! Potato plants love compost, as do things like squash and you can grow them directly in the compost pile.

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