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Palm Trees

Q.Possible Fungus

Zone Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic | helenkilbourne added on June 14, 2016 | Answered

I wonder if you can help. I have no experience with plants, but have recently become involved in a reforestation project in the Dominican Republic. I love what I do and want to make sure I look after the trees correctly.

We have a small nursery close to the ocean. I am currently planting Royal Palm Trees and Saman (Monkey Pod). They seem to be growing nicely. I water them every morning but I noticed that some of the saman leaves have white spots, some appear bleached, and the royal palms have yellow/brown spots and one of the weeds in the nursery looks to have been eaten by something covered in holes.

Any ideas what this could be? How do I treat this?

Please Help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 16, 2016

This is likely a Scale infestation.

Here is an article with more information.


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