Q.Portulaca v. Purslane
I am confused over Portulaca and Purslane (&/or Moss Rose). Are they of the same family? Seem very similar, but slightly different. Which works best in the landscape? Thank you.

They are in the same family; however, there are big differences. Portulaca grandiflora, aka moss rose, is grown for its flowers although it is also edible. It blooms much of the summer and tolerates hot, dry conditions. Common purslane, Portulaca oleracea, is considered a weed by most but is also edible. Flowers are small and yellow. For a nutritious boost, grow common purslane. For flowers, grow moss rose, sometimes referred to as moss rose purslane. They are both in the genus, Portulaca. The following link has an interesting article on growing and eating common purslane. https://wimastergardener.org/article/common-purslane-portulaca-oleracea/