Q.porcupine grass
I bought some porcupine grass last year from a nursery. It was a nice plant, about 2 or 3 feet high. It took off real nice and turned into a great looking plant, getting about 5 ft. high. I cut it down to about 6 inches in late fall. So far this year only about 12 shoots have come back. Any ideas what happened to it?

You actually didn't "have" to cut it back in the fall, but it shouldn't have hurt it. Depending on the zone you're in, how much sun your Porcupine Grass is getting and the temperatures you've had so far this year, it could simply be getting a late start. Keep in mind that although Porcupine Grass is not at all fussy about soil content, it does need plenty of water. This article may help you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/foliage/maiden-grass/growing-porcupine-maiden-grass.htm