Q.Poplar trees dying
There are several Poplar trees behind my house and the neighbors. My neighbor had to cut down one tree, as it just died and lost all its bark. Now there is another one in my backyard that has done the same. The branches are dead and the whole tree has nothing. What is causing this to happen, as I am afraid it will happen to all of them? Is it an insect causing this and, if so, how do we stop it?
I look forward to hearing from you.

Do you know the age of the Poplar Trees?
The Poplar Tree is not a long living tree. 50 years for a healthy tree, but environmental issues, insects or disease can shorten the lifespan.
The chances are all the trees in you area were planted at the same time, so if they are all showing the same signs it most certainly could be age.
People plant Poplars because they are fast growing, but it does not have the long lifespan as I mentioned.
Of coarse inspect the trees for signs of insect or disease.
Also, if you see multiple trees with issues it could be worth having a professional arborist look at the trees.
You could also check with your local county extension office to see if any other homeowners have reported tree death issues.