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Poppy Flowers


Zone Port Alice, B. C. Canada | Anonymous added on May 27, 2018 | Answered

I want to send poppys to my daughter so she can grow them, and was wondering could I cut the whole
big pod before it flowers and send that to her.

and if she put it in the dirt would it grow the next year.Thank you if you can help 🙂
Or should i wait till the flower goes to seed.
I sent some seeds before but they didnt grow.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 27, 2018

These look like oriental poppies. They are easiest to reproduce by taking a 3" cutting from the underground rhizome while the plant is dormant. It is plump and white so easy to identify. Although poppies are notoriously hard to transplant, I have managed to take a small off-shoot and transplant it. Since poppies need cool weather, ask your daughter to try seeds again. They germinate best at 65 degrees and require loose soil that does not stay wet. Do not cover the seeds as they need light to germinate which takes 10-14 days.

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