Q.popcorn plant – overwintering indoors?
I have a potted plant@ 2ft tall. Still blooming now, in October. I would like to overwinter it indoors if practical, rather than trying to find a well grown plant in spring gardening centers.
How to do so, and/or how to take the cuttings.
thank you

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Care for trees indoors can be easy, as long as you provide a window that gets sun as long as possible. Just care for it as you would outdoors. The big thing here is to watch your watering. Don't water until the top of the soil is dry down to two inches.
Here is an article on propagating trees from cutting: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/how-to-root-cuttings-from-various-shrubs-bushes-and-trees.htm