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Ponytail Palm Trees

Q.Ponytail Palm Pups On Bulb And Stem

Zone Zone 4b, Canada | Anonymous added on January 2, 2022 | Answered

My ponytail palm is about 23 years old and is producing pups ON the bulb and ON the stem, not from the base of the bulb. The largest is on the bulb and is about 2″ long; the others are smaller or just sprouting. Should I remove them all?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 3, 2022

There is no rush to remove those, in fact, you can leave them if you want to. If you decide to remove them, wait till they are at least 4 inches long. In the spring, using a sharp knife, carefully cut them off and put them in a moist pot of cactus mix. When you remove plants from the bulb or stem, you are opening it up to disease and insects, so you need to watch for those. It should heal over.

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