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Ponytail Palm Trees

Q.Ponytail Palm

Zone 33705 | Anonymous added on April 11, 2022 | Answered

My ponytail palm is in a container on porch and is hitting the ceiling.Can I cut the top off? What other option do I have do not have a yard.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 12, 2022

It is not recommended to cut the tops off of these plants because the trunk would probably rot before any new foliage grew. Is there a spot inside your home that has a taller ceiling than by the front door? It is an amazing plant; I'm sure you are very proud of it.

If you can reach it, you can trim the top leaves back to force them to grow downward. That could give it a little more headroom.

You can always sell it or give it to a friend with a taller ceiling and start over with a small plant.

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