Q.Ponytail palm
My old man left it outside for a day or so and it was way to cold it looks ready bad the leave on it look very heavy and waxy is it dead? Should I cut off those leaves ?? Please help

It does look like most or all of the leaves were cold-damaged, but the trunk and roots may have survived. First, wait a few weeks to see if any of the leaves perk up. Cut down on watering, because damaged plants use less water and you don't want to give it root rot, and avoid fertilizing it. Then, you can cut off any dead leaves and keep the leaves that are recovering.
If all the leaves seem to be dead and are turning brown or mushy after a few weeks, you'll probably need to prune it back by cutting off the top. Try to cut back until you find a healthy (non-mushy or rotten looking) portion of the trunk. Ponytail palms can often regrow after the tops are cut off, but not always. You'll just have to wait and see.