Q.Ponytail Palms dying
We have two Ponytail Palms that are 41 years old. They are inside year round now that they are too big to move. Recently, they have been producing shoots out of the bottom, but the tops seem to be dying off. What can we do to keep them alive and fuller on the top? I have more pictures if you need them.

This is a very long time to care for a plant, and perhaps the palm has just reached it's lifespan indoors.
The height of the plant and I do see a ceiling fan in this image. Ceiling fans can produce to much of a draft for plants and cause issues including the plants drying out. You can try moving to a new location.
There is no way to prune the top of a Ponytail Palm without causing certain death to the plant.
The new shoot at the bottom of the plant is a pup and can be removed and repotted for a new plant.
Here are some links for you.