Q.pomegranate tree
Pomegranate tree blossoms fine, but as they reach the size of 2 inches in diameter, they crack open without being fully ripped. I use before # 839 fertilizer and now 468 with no result. Why can’t they reach 5 inches in diameter like a any other regular size pomegranate fruit?

Your plant looks fairly robust and healthy, so I think you can rule out disease. My first question to you would be are you sure this is a variety that is supposed to fruit; some pomegranates are merely ornamental. Second, are you watering correctly (fairly dry most of the time, a good watering before fruiting.) Another thought is perhaps the flowers are not being pollinated correctly, therefore the plant drops them rather than expend the energy to ripen them. Also be careful not to fertilize too much. Over fertilizing can seriously disrupt the plant's functions. Here is an article to help you check the culture of your tree.
Also, you might want to talk to the county extension service. It's a free service to help home gardeners like yourself. This link will help you find the nearest office: