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Polka Dot Plants

Q.Polka dot plants dying immediately after buying them

Zone Calgary | Anonymous added on February 13, 2020 | Answered

I just bought two polka dot plants. They are kept in a sunny room, the soil was moist when I bought them, and I misted them after taking them home, yet both were almost completely dried out and wilted the next morning. One started wilting the second I misted it. Nearly all of their leaves have fallen off. What am I doing wrong?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 14, 2020

Your plants may be in shock from the change in environment. With correct care, they should recover. Bright but indirect light is best. You may have it in full sun. They will wilt quickly if allowed to dry out. Keep the soil moist, mist the leaves, and fertilize once a month. If the leaves turn yellow before dropping it's getting too much water. If they drop without turning yellow they need more water.
You didn't mention if you repotted them when they came home - they may be rootbound.

Here's an article that will help:


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