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Pole Beans

Q.Pole Beans

Zone Coeur d Alene, Idaho 83814 | Anonymous added on April 26, 2017 | Answered

We have planted pole beans in our garden in the same location for the last two seasons. The first year they grew well, the second not so much. Is there a problem with planting pole beans in the same location. The supports are already there and I would rather use them again rather than move them, but I am concerned that maybe I am depleting the soil in that area by planting the same crop for a third season.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 26, 2017

Recommendations are for a crop rotation every 3 years.
You can do a soil test to see if your soil needs amending this year prior to planting.
Seed source--did you purchase seeds from the same source or change variety?
Weather conditions and temperatures can also be attributed to change in crops.

Here are some links with more information.


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