Q.Poinsettia – How Do I Keep The Leaves/flowers Pink?
How do I know when to repot my poinsettia?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Good cultural practice and plenty of bright, indirect sunlight will keep it looking its best. On that note, it seems very overwatered. Though they like moist soil, they will not tolerate saturated soil. Nor will they tolerate completely dry soil. It needs to fluctuate between barely moist close to the bottom, and well watered.
The next thing to consider will be that the outside container lacks drainage holes. This means that any time that you water, you will want to remove the inner container to allow all extra water to drain out.
This brings us to the last point. Repotting needs to be done when you see a good portion of roots coming out of the container's drain holes.
Here are a couple of articles that will help: