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Hyacinth Plant


Zone Woodstock ga 30188 | Swissnic added on September 5, 2016 | Answered

My plumeria is about 3 years old. It bloomed the first time last spring. We got it from a cutting 12 inches. Now it is about 3 ft tall. It is a big Y shape and I would like it to have more branches, be more bush like. Will pruning take all the flowering for the spring away? Will the plant split into more branches where I cut it?
I’m using phosphorus fertilizer to ensure high phosphorus for blooming. It bloomed in the spring but hasn’t since. Why? It is outside getting 6+ hours of sun. We had a nice hot dry summer, 90 and more since July. I water every 1-2 days depending if it rained at all. Suggestions on how to keep it blooming longer?
Thanks, Nicole

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 5, 2016

I am not sure why your plumeria didn't continue blooming during the summer. It sounds like you are following the correct steps to promote blooms. Some varieties may flower only in spring. By now, your plumeria would be done blooming in any case.

These articles provide some advice:


Follow the advice in this article for pruning. Simply remove part of the two long branches to promote more bushy growth from the bottom.


I do think pruning would reduce flowering next year, but it would be worth it in the long run.

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