Q.plum tree needs pruning
Our semi-dwarf plum tree is 2 years old. No pruning done last year. Main leader was cut in nursery at about 6 feet. Now 6 -7 stems sprouted from that top. Some are already 5 feet or more. Lower on the trunk are about 8-9 “branches” sprouting outwards, most of them 4-5 feet long. Two sprouts pretty low on trunk, 1-2 feet from the ground. Which twigs should I cut off completely, which can stay but trimmed back? The tree is blooming now, with blossoms only at the very ends of all these twigs. After doing any trimming, there would be no blossoms left to produce fruit, which is ok, just want to make sure it becomes a properly shaped tree. Thank you!
You are wise to not worry about fruit production at this stage, and to focus on correct pruning to ensure the future strength and health of your tree. This article will explain pruning procedures: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/plum/plum-tree-pruning.htm