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Majesty Palm Trees

Q.Please Save My Majesty Palm!

Zone 21770 zone 7 | SheriD added on May 17, 2022 | Answered

I bought a beautiful healthy majesty palm that was perfectly green and full on mothers day. I placed it outside on our deck that same day. Within two weeks it looks like the palm is dying. The tips started turning yellow on ine frond when it was really hot outside. Now the tips of splitting and curling. Some are turnimf brown and amd several more have turned yellow. The temperatures here drastically change from day to day. One day it will be a beautiful sunny 75 to 80 degrees and the next day a cold rainy 65 degrees. It rained forn3 days straight ans the palm looks even worse. I have no idea how to care for this plant and bring it back to its glory.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 18, 2022

It sounds like the soil might remain too wet. This is even more evident with the rain worsening symptoms.

At this time, I would pot it into new soil for palms, and treat with a fungicide.

This article will help:


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