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Dollar Weed

Q.how in the world do I get rid of dollarweed?

Zone Zone 9-10 | jules6556 added on April 19, 2015 | Answered

I live in NW Florida and dollarweed is as hearty as roaches! I have tried everything I know to get rid of this monstrosity. We almost started raising it in our front flower bed! Even an ice storm doesn’t slow it down. I am at an a complete loss and am growing all my flowers and herbs in pots this year. Any and all input would be greatly appreciated.

Julie Faith

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 19, 2015

What have you tried thus far to eradicate the dollar weed?

The article below will hopefully give you some ideas you have not tried. If not, reply back to this thread and I will dig deeper.


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