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Rubber Tree Plants

Q.Rubber Tree Plant base and pruning

Zone Northern Colorado Loveland, Co. | Anonymous added on October 24, 2016 | Answered

My rubber tree plant is growing so high. It’s now hitting the ceiling in my house (which is fairly high) and the bottom of tree doesn’t look big enough for the tree and isn’t holding the rest of the tree up, so I have to hold it together with twine at the base. I’m afraid to prune it down to much. Will it harm it if I do? Why is the base so small with such a big, tall tree? I have to lean it against a wall or my window or it’ll fall over! Thank you for any tips you can provide for me! Blessings…

Sincerely, Nicole Lyons

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 25, 2016

This is very common for Rubber Tree plants. Here is an article that will help you through the pruning process.
Though it is often recommended to prune the plant late spring or early summer, you can go ahead and trim your plant now.


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