Q.Please Help me recover this plant.
I received this plant as a gift from an old neighbor. I obviously didn’t care for it well, its basically dying ..she’s coming to visit soon. Any way I can revive it?
Posting before and after images.
I don’t know what it’s called to even look up its proper care.
It sits on a windowsill that receives full sun all afternoon.. my other option is a window that doesn’t recieves any sun.at all.
I live in Argentina, warm climate most of the year.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It's a cyclamen plant which will go dormant soon. Many people just discard them after they have finished blooming. But you can see it through dormancy and onto another bloom cycle. Below is an article that tells how to care for it after it blooms. Also, if your home is very warm, that will send it into a decline very quickly. Try moving it to a cooler place in the home.