Q.accidentally broke entire aloe vera off root ball
Please help! I have accidentally broken my entire aloe vera off of its root ball! Can I save it? What can I do? I was preparing to repot my very small (4-5 leaves total) aloe and was wiping down her leaves with a damp paper towel, and I thought I was being gentle enough, but the entire plant snapped off at the soil line, just above the lowest leaves. It took very little pressure to do this, and the area that broke is brown and appears…almost blistered, swollen and filled with liquid. The plant looked healthy enough, but I have never done any of this before. I don’t water her often, about once a week or a bit longer, but my 5 year old informed me one morning last week that she had watered the aloe, and I had watered her well the day before. I’m hoping we didn’t drown her, and that you’ll tell me she can be saved.

You can save the plant by rooting a new cutting!
Cut a healthy leaf from the plant and let it sit for a few days for the stem to dry or until a skin forms on the cut end.
Insert the cut end into a small pot with good quality potting soil, about 1/3 of it's length.
Place the pot in a bright and sunless area.
Water sparingly-keep the soil moist but not wet.
You can also go ahead and leave the roots in the pot, watering sparingly and it may sprout new leaves.