Q.Please advise what I should do…….
I planted bulbs (tulip, daffs, alliums, etc.) in mid Sept…..5-6″ deep. They started to come up a week and a half ago, they are now 3″ tall and it’s cool, 65 deg. and cooler each day. Should I cut them back, cover with more soil? Please Advise.
Thank you,
A. Raul
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Since it is just foliage, they are OK for now. If a freeze damages the foliage, the bulbs should send up new foliage in spring. If you get buds, you will want to protect the buds from freezes with extra mulch, sheeting or cardboard boxes. If the buds bloom before a freeze, go ahead and cut them and ejoy them in a vase inside. Your bulbs will still be OK for next year (except tulips, which don't reliabily return in zone 6.