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Queen Palm Trees

Q.Please advise of a treatment for bore holes in a Queen Palm

Zone Windermere, Fl. 34786 | EdLJarvis added on November 2, 2018 | Answered

We have three queen palms that have bore holes in the trunk. We have had three other trees cut down within the last four months that have died and were similar.

Photos are attached.

Please advise if there is a treatment.


Ed Jarvis

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 3, 2018

This is likely a fungal disease, the holes are indicative and the fact that you have already lost Queen Palms, it is not likely you can treat or save the palms.
The specific disease may need to be determined by a qualified Palm Arborist. You can also talk with your County Extension Office for a diagnosis specific to your region.
These links have more information.

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