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Q.Plants to grow along a fence.

Zone San Marcos, CA | Anonymous added on February 24, 2019 | Answered

I live in North County San Diego, and want to plant a vine type flowering plant along a fence, in full sun. What do you suggest that doesn’t take a lot of care and blooms here through Fall to Spring? I have considered Plumbago or Mandevilla. Anything else?
Donna O.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 25, 2019

Some more ideas: California pipevine, American wisteria (not nearly as big as the Chinese and Japanese wisteria), passion flower vine, and star jasmine. Mandevilla needs some afternoon shade. Plumbago auriculata is listed as fully hardy in zones 9-11. However, it is more a shrub than a vine. The branches will only climb a fence if you manually attach it as it grows.

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