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Q.Plants suitable for growing in cremated human ashes

Zone UK North Wales LL14 6EB | jbaker3906 added on January 10, 2016 | Answered

Before her death, my wife requested that the family plant a shrub or bush in a pot using some of her ashes. What plants might be suitable for this and what proportions of compost and ashes would be appropriate? Her favorite flowers were fuchsias. Would any variety of those are well suited?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 12, 2016

We are sorry for the loss of your wife.
Plants and trees are a wonderful way to make a memorial to a loved one.
Unfortunately the cremation remains are actually toxic to plant life.
The remains contain large levels of sodium and the ph are two reasons that planting with the ashes is not possible.


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