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Canna Lilies

Q.Planting Zone

Anonymous added on November 19, 2010 | Answered

What planting zone is Lenhartsville, PA? Also, can I plant cannas now and leave them out all winter?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 20, 2010

Hello and thanks for contacting us at Gardening Know How. Follow this link for some help with your zone. Looks like you are either zone 6 or 7,


In zones 7-10 cannas can be safely left in the ground during the winter. Zone 6 is a median climate for cannas. Cannas grown in zone 6 can be left in the ground during less severe winter seasons but always have the possibility of freezing during more severe winters. Cannas grown in zones 5 and colder must be dug and stored during the winter. So looking at your zone I would say it is best not to plant them them out now and leave them all winter as you could lose them.


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