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Wisteria Vines

Q.Planting Wisteria seeds

Anonymous added on June 22, 2015 | Answered

Do I need to do anything specific with the seeds? I collected a number of pods. I got 4 pots and planted 8 seeds in each pot about 1 inch down. I’ve had the pots in the ground by my tomatoes for 2 weeks and nothing has come up. Do I need to nick the seeds like morning glories, or wet them or something else? Is it better to try rooting from cuttings? We currently have the one wisteria plant at the back corner of our yard growing on the wood fence. We would like to plant more wisteria along the fence line.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 22, 2015

Do I need to do anything specific with the seeds. I collected a number of pods. I got 4 pots and planted 8 seeds in each pot about 1 inch down. I’ve had the pots on the ground by my tomatos for 2 weeks and nothing has come up. Do I need to nick the seeds like morning glories, or wet them or something else? Is it better to try rooting from cuttings? We currently have the one wisteria plant at the back corner of our yard

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