Q.Planting Vegetables Near Blueberries
Last year we planted a couple of blueberry, raspberry, and blackberry bushes and this year we are thinking of putting in some vegetables. My wife had previously read someplace that it was not good to plant particular vegetables within a certain distance of blueberries. I’ve been searching various websites to try to confirm this but have not had any success. Are there any guidelines for this? The only area I have available to put in any vegetables is near the berries. Thank you for any assistance you can offer.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Perhaps your wife was thinking of raspberries rather than blueberries. It is true that you should not plant raspberries within 300 feet of any wild blackberry bushes. You should also stay away from tomatoes or potatoes. Wild blackberries, tomatoes and potatoes are prone to the same fungus as the raspberry bush, and this precaution prevents your raspberries from catching the fungus.