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Garlic Plants

Q.planting true garlic seed

Zone 5 | knighttemplar added on July 2, 2015 | Answered

You say you cannot plant true garlic seed. I know growers do plant from true seed, so I know it is possible and works. I used to buy from them and they moved and, therefore, stopped growing in the area. I now want to plant extensive true music seed, so why can’t you tell me how, or refer me to someone who can tell me.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 3, 2015

We suggest that it is extremely difficult to grow garlic from what is referred to as 'true seed'
Garlic does not set generally true seed.
I would suggest searching for "growing garlic from true seed'
You many find some blogs or forums with more help.
Best of luck.

Here is a few links for you.


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