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Garlic Plants

Q.Planting Seeds

Anonymous added on March 27, 2014 | Answered

Can you plant garlic in Michigan? I planted onion last year and they didn’t turn out very big. What did I do wrong? Are you suppose to bend the tops down?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 27, 2014

Yes, you can. In Zones 5/6, you should try to get your garlic in the ground by October. Pick out the largest cloves for your garden. Ideal soil is rich in organic matter, well draining loam. Push the cloves into the ground by 2-3 times their height, space them 4-6 inches apart in rows that are 1-1.5 feet apart. Mulching is optional, but probably a good idea in your growing zone. Then all you have to do is wait. Garlic is very winter hardy and is usually the first thing to appear in the garden. Keep it weeded and watered until the scape (curling looking flower stalk) appears. Common practice is to remove the scape to concentrate on growing the bulb bigger. This article should also help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/garlic/growing-garlic-how-to-plant-and-grow-garlic-in-your-garden.htm

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