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Germinating Seeds

Q.Planting Seeds

Anonymous added on April 3, 2014 | Answered

We live in Ohio and have not had our last frost yet. I plan to till our garden before planting and I just received my seeds for the veggie and fruit garden. When should I start growing my seeds inside? (I planned to plant the seeds and start the plants, then move them outdoors). But I don’t want to start them too soon and have the plants outgrow the mini-nursery. Thanks for your help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 3, 2014

It really depends on the plant, but the general rule of thumb is 4-6 weeks before your last frost date. Don't worry if that time has passed. In Ohio, you can wait as long as the end of May to plant in the ground and the plants will catch up quickly, so you really have until the end of April to start seeds without hurting the plants in the garden.

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