Q.Planting Rose Of Sharon In New England
I was interested in replacing a failed lilac bush with a rose of sharon. I would like to have a flowering bush in my front garden next to my front stairs. My concern is the height potential of the Rose of Sharon. Maybe another suggestion for a medium height Flowering bush. We have already had Rhododendron.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It would depend on the amount of sun. Since you had a rhododendron, I'm wondering if it is a shady situation, although a lilac needs fun sun. For part sun, a hydrangea is always nice. They are so popular these days. There are heights for every situation. I would caution though not to get a mophead (the one with the big round clusters of pink or blue) because they bloom on buds formed the previous season and often are nipped in late freezes or pruned off.