Q.planting paperwhite bulbs in water
I followed directions online for planting paper white bulbs in water. The bulbs began to grow, and grow, and grow, no flowers just long leaves that continued to grow. What did I do wrong?
I would say it was likely an issue with the bulbs themselves, nothing that you did 'wrong'.
Paperwhites are cousins to the Daffodil bulb and first need adequate sunlight in the fields to produce a little baby bulb inside the bulb that will become the flower. Harvested bulbs need to be stored at the correct temperatures, correct humidity levels and shipped at the correct time.
Bulbs can be damaged along the way in shipping.
Inspect the bulbs before buying. Look for even colors, no brown spots, soft areas or mold on the bulbs.
The only real issue growing them at home is keeping the soil to soggy.
Paperwhites grow best on a gravel tray with the water just touching the bottom of the bulb.