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Q.paperwhite bulbs in water

Zone Brooklyn, NY 11214 | hsalowitz added on February 12, 2016 | Answered

I included a picture (I hope it comes out) showing what the bulbs look like, pretty much, a bad hair day.

I followed directions and no flowers have appeared. The leaves have continued to grow out of control. What did I do wrong?

Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 12, 2016

We did not receive the image.

It is likely nothing that you did wrong with the Paperwhites.

Paperwhites are cousins to Daffodil bulbs. They need the correct amount of sunlight when growing in the fields to form a small baby plant inside the bulb. This little embryo becomes the flower.
Damage to the bulb can happen along the way in growing and shipping.
Look for healthy bulbs with no brown spots, soft areas, or mold on them.

Bulbs can suffer root rot if grown in soggy soil, they do best growing on a gravel bed with the water just touching the root line.


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