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Companion Plants

Q.Planting Nasturtium In Vegetable Containers

Zone Chino, CA zone 9A | Anonymous added on February 3, 2025 | Answered

Your article of Planting zucchini in containers suggests planting nasturtiums in the same container to keep the ‘pests at bay’. However your article on Nasturtiums indicate they’re good for a vegetable garden to attract aphids away from plants. Why would someone want to attract aphids to a zucchini plant instead of away from it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 6, 2025

I can't find anything in this article about growing nasturtiums in the same container with zucchini. Could it have been on another site?


The article below on using nasturtiums as a trap crop says to plant them away from the vegetables.


This article says certain herbs can keep pests at bay.


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