Q.Planting Mountain Laurel
I would like to plant a Mountain Laurel bush and would like to know if it will take sun? I live in Northwest Ohio Zone 5A but today they say we are in Zone 6A.
I wold like one that would only get 2 to 3 feet tall and wide.
I would have to make the soil Acidic since my soil has a PH of 7.
If you know of another bush that fits this please let me know if Mountain Laurel will not work.
It would be facing West along a driveway and at a end of a flower garden that is along a sidewalk. What I am looking for is something that would catch your eye.
The soil is clay but drains very good and has decayed wood mulch in it. John

Many mountain laurels, Kalmia latifolia, are 3-4 feet tall. I did find dwarf one called "Tiddlywinks" that is 2-3 ft tall and wide. Your site may have too much sun for this plant. Other options are the dwarf laurels "Elf" and "Minuet". It is usually grown with morning sun only so be extra careful to give it the water it requires - 2 inches each week. I would do a soil percolation or infiltration test to make sure your soil drains fast enough as laurel is won't do well in poorly drained soil. https://extension.tennessee.edu/Williamson/Horticulture/Consumer%20Horticulture/DIY%20Soil%20Drainage%20Perk%20Test%20for%20Your%20Yard%20(2016).pdf