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Jackfruit Trees

Q.Planting Jackfruit In Container

Zone 91739 | BoonSoCal added on April 27, 2021 | Answered

Hi master gardeners, I recently purchased a jackfruit seedling onlinei have a few questions: 1. When I received it, some of the leaves at brown and some were kind of twisted. I cut off the brown ones but I don’t know what to do with the twisted one. I tried to twist them gently around but they usually came back like they were. Should I cut those leaves off or leave them? 2. Also, how do I know if the plant is living or growing at all? I noticed the roots were somewhat reddish brown when I received it and it still is right now. I thought healthy roots should be white, right? Will the roots turned to white if it’s growing properly? 3. I planted it about a week already and I have yet to see any new growth or anything. Is it slowly dying? I had bought another tree before (A soursop one) and it was dying slowly apparently, the stem dried out in a few months and when I dug it, the roots became black. Can you advise me what to do? Or how to save it if it is on the verge of dying. Thanks,

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 27, 2021

It is, definitely, alive. Leaves, roots, and pliable branches will indicate that the tree is carrying out its life processes.

It is important to understand how trees "move" They do not move, physically. They move by way of chemical interaction that causes cells to elongate on one side or the other. This means that twisting the leaves to suit a certain shape will not work. This will take time to reorient towards the sun.

As far as cutting anything... Don't, unless it is dead. (Brown and crispy)

These trees will die from overwatering, most often. It is important to let the soil dry out, thoroughly, down to about 3 or 4 inches between watering.

You will want to go ahead and treat with a fungicide.Anytime you order a tree in the mail it is likely to arrive with an infection from the conditions inside the box. Here is an article that will help you with fungicide use:


Here are some articles that will help you to grow Jackfruit properly, and in container:



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