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Herb Gardening

Q.Planting ideas for shallow border

Zone Manchester, UK | Anonymous added on May 31, 2018 | Answered

I am very new to gardening and am attempting to put in a border at the far end of my garden. The border is about 1m wide by 3m long at the southern boundary flanked by the 6ft fence to the south and a patio to the north. The soil is quite stony and I have started to prepare it by mixing in a 40L bag of peat-free compost to improve it and will probably add a bit more to raise the level slightly. The rest of my garden is just lawn and gravel, so this really is a blank canvas.

I like the idea of a British “wildlife-friendly” country garden but also herbs and fruit trees. I have no clue of the names of most types of plants and gardening centres are just bewildering with their choice.

Where do I start with planting ideas?

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