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Bulb Care

Q.planting bulbs in bed

Zone starkville ms 39759 | Anonymous added on May 19, 2017 | Answered

i just planted my bulbs and not sure if i planted them roots down cause there were no roots on them or which end down is the right way , it is may when should i expect them to come up and should i water them everyday

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 19, 2017

Depending on what kind of bulbs they are, whether the roots are up or down can be less of an issue than the care they received before they were planted. Some bulbs require a period of dormancy before being planted, some are more picky about temperature....A general rule of thumb is that the more "pointy" end should be up and the directions on the packaging or from your local nursery should be followed. This article may also help you:


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