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Garlic Plants

Q.planting and growing garlic

Zone Fayetteville, NC | Anonymous added on May 15, 2019 | Answered

I planted my garlic cloves four inches deep as suggested on the package I got the bulbs from, but I have been reading that I should have only planted two inches deep. Should I carefully dig up and plant closer to the surface? Or will the deeper implantation encourage bigger bulbs. I live in NC and just planted in April. This is my first raised garden.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 15, 2019

My concern is not with the planting depth, but how late they are being planted. They can still grow at that depth just fine, but they do not tolerate heat well... This will slow them down drastically. They like cold weather, typically, and will want to be planted halfway through winter. They will still grow, but it will be much slower.

This article will give you more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/garlic/garlic-plant-bulbils.htm

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