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Q.Planting A Hardy Voodoo Fuchsia In Arizona Soil

Zone Gilbert Arizona 85296 | Anonymous added on March 16, 2023 | Answered

Hello, I’m preparing to plant 3 voodoo fuchsia plants in my yard. I wanted to do this in the ground. I’m concerned about our clay like soil here as I know I need well drained soil for these fuchsias. Any guidance on how to successfully plant these in our soil? And how does that effect watering? How do I know how much to water? Thank you for your help

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 17, 2023

You first need to amend your soil to make it hospitable to plants. They like the soil somewhat moist, so be sure to water when the soil begins to dry. They don't like roots sitting in water, though, so you'll need to gauge how much water is enough.


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