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Cucumber Plants

Q.Planting a garden

Zone 77845 | DRLJB1938 added on February 22, 2018 | Answered

Best time to plant tomato plants;plant cucumbers; plant green beans. college station

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 22, 2018

Tomatoes and cukes do not like cool overnight temps. Wait until night-time temps are over 50 and daytime temps are at least 70. These crops love hot weather. So go by weather and not dates although you can easily search for your frost-free date(there are three college stations in the US). Wait about 2 weeks after that date to put out cukes and toms. Green beans are best grown from seed planted outdoors after your frost-free date. They germinate and get established rapidly. Transplanting slows them down.

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