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Coconut Palm Trees

Q.Planting a coconut

Zone 33913 | Anonymous added on August 21, 2018 | Answered

My grandson found a small coconut on the ground near our home in Florida. It has already started to split on the top. I want to grow it for him if I can. We can hear the water inside the nut, which of course still has its green casing, although the top end has begun to turn brown. I have soaked the root end for a few days and am prepared to plant it in a pot according to your general instructions. Is it too late to sprout this in its present condition? Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 21, 2018

If the coconut has already started to brown, there's a chance it's too late. But there's no reason not to try! The fact that the water's still inside is a very good sign. Just make sure to keep it nice and moist without letting it sit in water, and hope for the best!

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