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Chrysanthemum Plants

Q.Planting a Chrysanthemum from a pot.

Zone 58554 | Anonymous added on September 7, 2018 | Answered

Received it as a gift. Not sure if its an annual or perennial. Would like to keep it in the pot as long as possible. Should it
be planted after our first hard frost?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 10, 2018

Chrysanthemums are, typically, annuals. I have kept some alive for over two years as long as I fed them some kind of fertilizer once a month. Keep the dead flowers cut off and keep them from the cold temperatures. They can safely be planted after the the threat of frost is gone. they can handle some cold, but they aren't really freeze tolerant. If you can get them to produce seeds (which are really small) then there is the chance that they will come back on their own, but with my experience, it is best to keep them from the cold if you want them to survive over winter.

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