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Q.Planting A Bush Near A Crepe Myrtle Tree

Zone 33764 | Anonymous added on May 12, 2023 | Answered

Hello! I have a question for you. I have a lovely crepe myrtle tree in my flower garden. I was just given a hibiscus plant for Mother’s Day and would like to plant it in an empty space where I used to have Hostas. When I started digging the soil in that spot in order to plant the hibiscus, I saw that the roots of the crepe myrtle were numberous and shallow. I don’t want to hurt the crepe myrtle tree’s health, but I won’t be able to plant anything in that spot unless I disturb a few of the tree roots. What do you recommend?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 13, 2023

I would plant it elsewhere as hibiscuses prefer full sun. If you are digging under the canopy of the CM and detecting lots of roots, that area will not get sufficient direct sunlight once the leaves in the canopy of the CM unfurl. As the canopy gets even wider, direct sun may be even less. Consider growing it in container culture too.

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