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Container Gardening

Q.planter sizes

Zone Toledo Ohio | Anonymous added on May 14, 2016 | Answered

I would like to plant my Lantanas in a container in the garden. What size containers would I need? Do I need a deep container? It is for a Dean Day Lantana (large I know) and Luscious Berry Lantana. Also, Mystic Illusion Dahlia. Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 15, 2016

For the Lantana, you will want to choose a pot large enough to hold its root ball with some space all the way around for growth.
For the Dahlia, you will probably want to start with a heavy pot 12" deep and 12" wide.

For more information on the care of lantanas and dahlias, please visit the following link:

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