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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.crepe myrtle

Zone Texas | lchance added on July 22, 2015 | Answered

Planted a crepe myrtle last September and I don’t know what wrong. It had whiteflies and I took care of that. Now there is while fungus looking stuff all around the trunk. The tree is in warranty and I just don’t know if it needs to be replaced or can this be treated, or is it infecting my other plants?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 23, 2015

The white cottony substance is actually alive and it's Crape Myrtle Scale.
It destroys the bark of the Crape Myrtle in a short amount of time.
Black Sooty Mold generally accompanies this infestation.
These insects don't seem to kill the tree but weaken it and cause lack of blooming.
I would treat with Neem OIl and repeat treatment throughout the summer.
If your tree is within a warranty window, I would seek replacement for this tree.


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